His Armband Proved He Was A Red
Torres, Torres
You'll Never Walk Alone It Said
Torres, Torres
We Bought The Lad From Sunny Spain
He Gets The Ball, He Scores Again
Fernando Torres
Liverpools Number 9!
Torres, Torres
You'll Never Walk Alone It Said
Torres, Torres
We Bought The Lad From Sunny Spain
He Gets The Ball, He Scores Again
Fernando Torres
Liverpools Number 9!
Detail model:
* Fernando Torres, Liverpool Home
Kode: PRO1706
Musim: 2007/2008
Kemasan: Blister
Corinthian Prostars Series 38
Produksi tahun: 2007
* Fernando Torres, Liverpool Away
Kode: PRO1763
Musim: 2007/2008
Kemasan: Sachet with Card
Corinthian Prostars Convention 2008 Special Edition
Produksi tahun: 2008
* Fernando Torres, Liverpool Home
Kode: PRO1706
Musim: 2007/2008
Kemasan: Blister
Corinthian Prostars Series 38
Produksi tahun: 2007
* Fernando Torres, Liverpool Away
Kode: PRO1763
Musim: 2007/2008
Kemasan: Sachet with Card
Corinthian Prostars Convention 2008 Special Edition
Produksi tahun: 2008
* Fernando Torres, Liverpool Home
Kode: PRO1814
Musim: 2008/2009
Corinthian Liverpool Single Blisters
Produksi tahun: 2009
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